CompanyView from CRO
CompanyView is a fully managed company secretarial service. This web site allows users to access statutory company information, send instructions to make changes, compile reports, and file dormant accounts electronically with Companies House.
Whether you are a director running a single company or a professional accountant managing a thousand companies, CompanyView is the easiest, cost effective way to manage all your company secretarial matters giving our clients instant access with up-to-date details on all companies registered with us.
Within the secure environment you can submit instructions with minimal effort and training directly to our experienced team of highly trained operators and leave all the document production, Companies House filings and maintenance of statutory records to us. All instructions are dealt with on a ‘same day’ basis, and we provide a full advice and support service to assist you at all times.
CompanyView is cost effective and easy to operate:
- No complicated software to operate, maintain or update
- No training required
- Pro-active compliance diaries – never forget a filing deadline again
- Statutory registers completed and available on request
- Comprehensive reporting facility for accurate record keeping
- Share re-structuring, dividend payments, officer appointments and more
- Board minutes completed for all events
- Professional advice and assistance with all Company Law matters
- Your records are always up to date
- Includes free corporate identity fraud protection
Click here to view a working demonstration of the
CompanyView System.
You can find more information about CompanyView including costs and full service
schedules on the on the
CRO website.
If you have any further queries about CompanyView or the Managed
Company Secretarial Service please contact us using the form on
this page.